王波博士,厦门大学哲学系教授,博士生导师,博士后合作导师。南京大学哲学系暨约克大学心理学系联合培养博士。主要关注马克思主义哲学、理论与哲学心理学,尤其是基于政治经济学批判的理论地平,审慎而彻底地将心理与心理学得以成立的前提和界限,及其与现代社会再生产的内在关联之研究提升到了一个新的思想清晰度。担任国家社科基金重大项目“到二〇三五年建成社会主义文化强国的总体逻辑与战略路径研究”(21ZDA072)首席专家,入选闽江学者特聘教授、福建省高层次人才(A类)、厦门市高层次人才(A类)以及厦门大学南强青年拔尖人才计划(A类)。曾任南京大学社会学院副教授,约克大学客座教授。兼任中国心理学会理论心理学与心理学史专业委员会委员,江苏省社会心理学会理事,《The Journal of Psychohistory》《Sage Open》等学术期刊编委。获教育部博士学术新人奖、教育部高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖(人文社会科学)三等奖(合作)、厦门市杰出青年人才称号、南京大学优秀教学成果奖,四度荣膺南京大学青年教师人文科研原创奖。相关论著被University of Surrey、纽约East Side Institute、辅仁大学等选作博硕士课程研读文献。
在《中国社会科学》(英文版)《哲学研究》《马克思主义研究》《哲学动态》《世界哲学》《学术月刊》《应用心理研究》(台湾地区)《Annual Review of Critical Psychology》《The Journal of Psychohistory》《Culture & Psychology》《Theory & Psychology》等发表中英文论文五十余篇,并有研究入选上报中央的内参。诸多成果被《新华文摘》《中国社会科学文摘》《中国人民大学复印资料》等全文转载。在国家社科基金重大项目之外,另主持国家社科基金项目两项(2014—2019/2019—2021),主持及参与其他各级课题多项。受Taylor & Francis出版社邀请,撰写中西比较心理学英文专著一部。专著《心理辩证法:马克思主义视域的心理学批判》即将由科学出版社出版。哲学心理学著作《一盏够用的灯:两岸参看的振动》(与夏林清教授合著)由台北五南出版公司出版。另合作出版马克思主义与心理学著作多种(其中一部由牛津大学出版社出版)。翻译出版《心理学的批判:从康德到后殖民主义理论》等多部著作。主编北京师范大学出版社《批判与马克思主义心理学》丛书(陆续出版中)。担任《哲学研究》《哲学动态》《世界马克思主义研究》《心理科学》《心理科学进展》《社会学评论》《Theory & Psychology》《Review of General Psychology》《International Critical Thought》等外审专家。
Dr. Bo Wang is currently recruiting Ph.D. students and postdoctoral scholars for his research lab to start in Fall, 2023 at Xiamen University, an elite university in China. His interests cover a wide range including theoretical and philosophical psychology, philosophy of mind, critical theory, etc. He can be reached via the email address: Bowang@nju.edu.cn
Dr. Bo Wang obtained his Ph.D. from the Department of Philosophy at Nanjing University. He has since served as associate professor of psychology at Nanjing University. He is now a Full Professor of Philosophy at Xiamen University. He was also a visiting professor at York University, working with Professor Thomas Teo. His research has attracted in excess of ¥800, 000 in research funding through the prestigious National Social Science Foundation of China (NSSFC) project grant scheme, among others.
In addition to the “Scholarship Award for Excellent Doctoral Student” (2011) granted by Ministry of Education, People’s Republic of China, he has been the recipient of the National Fellowship (2010), the Prize for Original Humanities Research at Nanjing University (2013/2016/2017/2019), Distinguished Professorship at Nanjing University and the title of Xiamen Outstanding Young Talents. He was also selected as Distinguished Professor of Minjiang Scholar Award Program, High-level Talents of Fujian Province (Type A), High-level Talents of Xiamen City (Type A). Dr. Wang serves as the editor-in-chief of the book series Critical Psychology published by Beijing Normal University Press and is on the editorial board of several journals, including The Journal of Psychohistory. Dr. Wang is also on the board of directors of History and Theory of Psychology Section of the Chinese Psychological Association (CPA).