王晓阳,男,江苏泰州人;中山大学哲学博士(2008/12),浙江大学语言与认知研究中心博士后(2010/06);曾在东华大学和上海交通大学工作过,现执教于厦门大学哲学系,教授、博士研究生导师、“闽江学者”特聘教授(2019)。已在《哲学研究》、《哲学动态》、《自然辩证法通讯》、《学术月刊》等重要哲学社会科学专业期刊发表论文三十余篇,出版学术著作两部,主持国家社会科学基金多项,参与国家级和省部级课题多项。曾获欧盟“伊拉斯谟奖学金”(Erasmus Mundus Scholarship)资助(2014),也曾在国际顶尖哲学系美国罗格斯大学(Rutgers University)哲学系(2009)、欧洲认知科学重镇意大利特伦托大学(University of Trento)心理学与认知科学系(2014),以及美国耶鲁大学哲学系(2023)访问研究。
中国维特根斯坦学会理事(2013-),上海交通大学欧洲文化高等研究院研究员(2014-),中国人民大学分析哲学研究中心研究人员(Affiliated Faculty)(2014-),中国自然辩证法研究会生命伦理学理事会理事(2015-)。
1、王晓阳,林崧驰(2024),无言的感受何以可能?——布洛克与维特根斯坦主义者的“颠倒光谱之争”,哲学动态,No.1: 117-126.
2、王晓阳,马迅(2023),从单智慧体社会到多智慧体社会:人工智能与人类的共同未来,自然辩证法通讯,Vol.45, N0.11:26-36.
3、王晓阳,林崧驰(2023),微观心灵存在吗?——构成性泛心论的两个疑点,湖北大学学报(哲学社会科学版),封面论文,Vol.50, No.5: 132-139, 171.
4、王晓阳(2023),范型物理对象、因果封闭原则与物理主义,哲学研究,No.8: 118-126.
5、王晓阳,樊一锐(2023),动物保护与动物意识——辛格动物保护学说的一个必要补充,自然辩证法通讯,封面论文,Vol.45, No.3: 1-11.
6、王晓阳,王雨程,积极探寻人工智能伦理危机化解之道,中国社会科学报,头版推荐文章,2023 年 3 月 10 日,第 2607 期(A07 版)。URL:
8、王晓阳(2023),明确区分汉语哲学与汉化哲学,加快构建汉语哲学新发展格局,中国社会科学网,URL: https://www.cssn.cn/skgz/bwyc/202308/t20230826_5681496.shtml
9、王晓阳(2022),虚实交融还是虚实交映:元宇宙的形而上学图景刍议,中国社会科学网,URL: http://www.cssn.cn/skgz/bwyc/202208/t20220803_5467215.shtml
10、王晓阳,王雨程 (2022),为什么还是物理主义,认知科学,Vol.6, No.2: 80-95
13、王晓阳(2019),非主观的心灵,自然辩证法通讯,Vol.41, No.8: 40-56. (该文被人大复印资料“科学技术哲学”2019 年第 12 期全文转载。)
14、王晓阳(2019),为他心辩护——处理他心问题的一种复合方案,哲学研究,封面论文,No.3: 89-100. (该文被人大复印资料“外国哲学”2019 年第6期全文转载。)
15、王晓阳(2018),意识之谜,自然辩证法通讯, Vol.40, No.10:38-43.
16、方卫,王晓阳(2016),认知科学关于生命本质研究中的三个关键困难,自然辩证法通讯, Vol.38, No.4: 54-60.
17、 王晓阳(2015),后天物理主义与解释鸿沟——B.劳尔版现象概念策略的拓展分析(第二版),中西哲学论衡,第四辑,页200-224.
19、王晓阳(2015),心-身问题与物理主义,自然辩证法通讯,Vol.37, No.4: 1-14. (该文被人大复印资料“科学技术哲学”2015年第11期全文转载。)
20、王晓阳(2015),人工智能能否超越人类智能,自然辩证法研究,Vol.31, No.7: 104-110. (该文被人大复印资料“科学技术哲学”2015年第10期全文转载。)
21、王晓阳,王雨程(2015),心理因果性、排他性论证与非还原物理主义,哲学研究,No.4: 118-126.
23、王晓阳(2013),后天物理主义与解释鸿沟——B.劳尔版现象概念策略的拓展分析,世界哲学, 封面论文,No.4: 91-103. (该文被人大复印资料“科学技术哲学”2013年第10期全文转载。)
24、王晓阳,王雨程(2013),无律则一元论再思考——关于心身殊型同一论与心身随附性的一个新想法,自然辩证法通讯, Vol.35, No.3: 51-59.
No.1: 74-80.(该文被人大复印资料“外国哲学”2013年第5期全文转载。)
究,封面论文,Vol.28, No.6: 9-14. (该文被人大复印资料“科学技术哲学”2012年第10期全文转载。)
27、王晓阳(2012),希腊哲学精神的写照——读《名哲言行录》有感,中南大学学报(社会科学版),Vol.18, No.1: 40-43.
28、王晓阳(2011),如何应对“知识论证”——一种温和物理主义观点,哲学动态,NO.5: 85-91.
29、王晓阳 (2010), 论现象概念——解析当前物理主义和反物理主义争论的一个焦点,逻辑学研究,Vol.3, No.3: 91-109.
30、王晓阳(2010),“私人语言论证”论证了什么?——维特根斯坦私人语言论证的一种简明解析,自然辩证法研究,Vol.26, No.5: 14-18.
31、王晓阳(2010),当代意识研究中的主要困难及其可能出路,自然辩证法通讯,Vol.32, No.185: 8-16.
32、王晓阳(2008),论意识的认知神经科学研究及哲学思考,自然辩证法研究,Vol.24, No.6: 33-36.
1、主持2011年度国家社科基金(青年项目)“意识研究”(11CZX023)。 (已结题。起止时间:2011/05-2018/03)
Basic Information
Prof. Dr. Xiaoyang Wang
Affiliation: Department of Philosophy, Xiamen University
Address: 422 South Siming Rd., Siming District, Xiamen, P.R.China, 361005.
Email: wxy2018@xmu.edu.cn
I obtained my PhD from the Philosophy Department at Sun Yat-Sen University in 2008, then worked as a postdoc in the Center for the Study of Language and Cognition (CSLC) at Zhejiang University from 2008 to 2010. My subsequent positions included roles at Donghua University (2010-2014) and Shanghai Jiao Tong University (2014-2018). Since July 2018, I have been serving as a tenured full professor in the Department of Philosophy at Xiamen University. My academic journey also includes serving as a visiting scholar in the Philosophy Department at Rutgers University (2009/04 -2010/04), as a visiting professor in the Department of Psychology and Cognitive Sciences at University of Trento (2014/12 - 2015/03), and as a visiting fellow in the Philosophy Department at Yale University (2023/08 - 2024/08).
My main research fields are philosophy of mind, philosophy of science, and metaphysics. I am also interested in philosophy of language, philosophy of artificial intelligence, Chinese philosophy, philosophy of medicine, and Buddhist philosophy.
1. Xiaoyang Wang (2008), On the Study of Consciousness in Cognitive Neuroscience, Studies in Dialectics of Nature (China), Vol.24, No.6: 33-36.
2. Xiaoyang Wang (2010), On the Hard Problem of Consciousness, Journal of Dialectics of Nature (China), Vol.32, No.185: 8-16.
3. Xiaoyang Wang (2010), A Concise Analysis of Wittgenstein’s Private Language Argument, Studies in Dialectics of Nature (China), Vol. 26, No.5: 14-18.
4. Xiaoyang Wang (2010), On Phenomenal Concepts, Studies in Logic(China), Vol.3, No.3: 91-109.
5.Xiaoyang Wang (2011), How to Response to "Knowledge Argument", Philosophical Trends(China), No.5: 85-91.
6. Xiaoyang Wang (2012), How to Explain "Explanatory Gap", Studies in Dialectics of Nature (China), Vol.28, No.6: 9-14.
7. Xiaoyang Wang (2012), The Vivid Pictures of the Spirit of Greek Philosophy——Thoughts of Diogenes Laertius’s the Lives and Opinions of Eminent Philosophers, Journal of Central South University(Social Science)(China), Vol.18, No.1: 40-43.
8. Xiaoyang Wang, Weilong Zhu (2013), A Critical Analysis of the Arguments for Immortal Soul in Phaedo,Philosophical Researches(China), No.1: 74-80.
9. Xiaoyang Wang, Yucheng Wang (2013), Anomalous Monism Reconsidered: A New Perspective on Mind-Body Token Identity Theory and Mind-Body Supervenience, Journal of Dialectics of Nature (China), Vol.35, No.3: 51-59.
10. Xiaoyang Wang (2013), A Posteriori Physicalism and Explanatory Gap: A Stretched Analysis of Brian Loar’s Phenomenal Concept Strategy, World Philosophy(China), No.4: 91-103.
11. Xiaoyang Wang(2014), From the Private Language Argument to the Programme of Physicalism: Wittgenstein and the Vienna Circle, Academic Monthly(China), Vol.46, No.11: 13-21.
12. Xiaoyang Wang, Yucheng Wang(2015), Mental Causation, Exclusion Argument, and Non-reductive Physicalism, Philosophical Researches(China), No. 4: 118-126.
13. Xiaoyang Wang(2015), Can Artificial Intelligence Surpass Human Intelligence? Studies in Dialectics of Nature (China), Vol.31, No.7: 104-110
14. Xiaoyang Wang(2015), Mind-Body Problem and Physicalism, Journal of Dialectics of Nature (China), Vol.37, No.4: 1-14.
15.Wei Fang, Xiaoyang Wang(2016),Three Crucial Problems on the Nature of Life in Cognitive Science, Journal of Dialectics of Nature (China), Vol.38, No.4: 54-60.
16. Xiaoyang Wang(2018), The Puzzles of Consciousness, Journal of Dialectics of Nature (China), Vol.40, No.10:38-43.
17. Xiaoyang Wang(2019), In Defense of Other Minds: A Hybrid Solution to Other Minds Problem, Philosophical Researches(China), No.3: 89-100.
18. Xiaoyang Wang(2019), The Non-subjective Mind, Journal of Dialectics of Nature (China), Vol.41, No.8: 40-56.
19. Xiaoyang Wang(2020), Physicalism is not equal to physics-ism: A New Solution to the Formulation of Physicalism, Academic Monthly(China) ,52(5):15-29.
20. Xiaoyang Wang(2020), Is There Not Any Miracle in Nature?——A Compatible view of Naturalism and Miracles, Philosophical Researches(China), No.5:117-126.
21. Xiaoyang Wang(2021), Physicalism is not equal to physics-ism: A New Solution to the Formulation of Physicalism (full version), Journal of Human Cognition(International), 5(2):6-35.
22. Xiaoyang Wang(2022), The Blending or Interaction of Virtuality and Reality: A Discussion on the Metaphysical Image of the Metaverse, Social Sciences in China, URL:
23. Xiaoyang Wang, Yucheng Wang (2022), Why still physicalism? Journal of Human Cognition(China), 6(2): 80-95.
24. Xiaoyang Wang, Yirui Fan (2023), Animal Protection and Animal Consciousness:A necessary supplement to Peter Singer's theory of animal protection, Journal of Dialectics of Nature (China), 45(3): 1-11.
25. Xiaoyang Wang (2023), Paradigmatic Physical Objects, Principle of Causal Closure and Physicalism, Philosophical Researches(China), No.8: 118-126.
26. Xiaoyang Wang, Songchi Lin (2023), Are there any micro-minds in the world?——Two doubts on constitutive panpsychism, Journal of Hubei University(Philosophy and Social Science), 50(5): 132-139, 171.
27. Xiaoyang Wang, Xun Ma (2023), From a Homo-intelligence Society to a Hetero-intelligence Society: The Common Future of Artificial Intelligence and Human Beings, Journal of Dialectics of Nature (China), 45(11): 26-36.
28. Xiaoyang Wang, Yucheng Wang, Exploring ways to resolve ethical crises in artificial intelligence, Chinese Social Science Today, Front Page Recommended Article, March 10, 2023, Issue No.2607, Page A07, URL: https://epaper.csstoday.net/epaper/read.do?m=i&iid=6516&eid=46205&sid=213817&idate=12_2023-03-10
29. Xiaoyang Wang, Fundamental Issues and New Developments in Physicalism, Chinese Social Science Today, Front Page Recommended Article, August 7, 2023, Issue No. 2707, Page A04, URL: https://epaper.csstoday.net/epaper/read.do?m=i&iid=6625&eid=47189&sid=218332&idate=12_2023-08-07
30. Xiaoyang Wang, Songchi Lin(2024), How is it possible for qualia beyond words—— an analysis of the debate on inverted spectrum between Block and Wittgenstenian, Philosophical Trends(China), No.1: 117-126.
1.Xiaoyang Wang, The Investigations of Consciousness, Shanghai People's Publishing House, 2019.
2. Xiaoyang Wang, Mind-Body Problem in a physical world, to be published by Shanghai People's Publishing House, 2023.
An Introduction to Ethics (undergraduate)
The History of Western Philosophy (undergraduate)
Philosophy of Mind (graduate)
Analytic Philosophy (graduate)
An Introduction to Cognitive Science (graduate)
Academic English(graduate)
Senior Seminar: Consciousness (graduate)
Senior Seminar: Physicalism (graduate)
Senior Seminar: the Fundamental Problems in Philosophy (graduate)