课程名称:Introduction to Contemporary Epistemology(当代知识论导论)
授课老师:Michael Bishop教授
第一讲 哲学之为哲学:1. 哲学与其他科学(知识)的差异;2. 哲学史与哲学
第二~三讲 形而上学问题:1. 形而上学的基本内涵与历史演变;存在问题、“是什么”的问题与本质主义;2. 怀疑与知识的确定性;我思与存在问题;3. 心物二元论;身心关系问题的历史演变;从身心关系到心灵哲学;4. 康德哲学的基本精神;康德的哥白尼式的革命;作为科学的形而上学如何可能;5. 分析哲学对形而上学的批判;语言、逻辑与形而上学
第四~五讲 语言哲学问题:1. 语言观与语言转向(西方哲学史中的语言观;二十世纪西方哲学的语言转向;语言批判与理性批判;语言与哲学);2. 意义理论(意义理论的重要性;弗雷格与意义理论;意义的观念论、指示论、证实论、整体论、用法论、言语行为理论);3. 语言游戏、遵守规则与私人语言问题(奥古斯丁式的语言本质图像;语言游戏与生活形式;家族相似性与用法范例;遵守规则与私人语言问题;4. 诠释学与语言哲学(诠释学的历史发展;理解与语言;语言、视域与效果;诠释学的真理问题)
王伯鲁,男,哲学博士,中国人民大学哲学院教授,博士生导师,兼任中国自然辩证法理事,科学哲学史专业委员会秘书长。独著有《技术困境及其跨越》(2011)、《马克思技术思想纲要》(2009)、《技术究竟是什么——广义技术世界的理论阐释》(2006)等,发表“马克思科学与技术互动思想解读”、“社会技术及其地位问题剖析”、“运输技术及其发展趋势的哲学探索”等学术论文100余篇。主持并完成国家社会科学基金项目2项,现主持《< 资本论>及其手稿的技术哲学思想研究》、《马克思技术思想及其演变研究》、《技术化时代文化重塑问题研究》等国家或省部级课题。科研成果曾获省级社会科学成果二等奖3项、三等奖1项,获省部级等多项荣誉称号。主要研究领域:技术哲学、科学技术与社会等。
Philosophy of Technology and its evolution
第一章 技术哲学的基本问题
第二章 马克思技术哲学思想
第三章 卡普:人体器官投影的技术思考
第四章 德韶尔:技术制作批判
第五章 芒福德:破除机器的神话
第六章 埃吕尔:系统论的技术哲学
第七章 哈贝马斯:作为意识形态的科学和技术
第八章 芬柏格:技术批判理论
第九章 技术困境的哲学思索
第十章 在艺术与技术之间
1. 乔瑞金. 技术哲学教程,科学出版社,2006
2. F·拉普. 技术哲学导论,辽宁科学技术出版社,1986
3. 陈昌曙. 技术哲学引论,科学出版社,1999
5. 让-伊夫·戈菲. 技术哲学,商务印书馆,2000
课程名称:Introduction to Contemporary Epistemology(当代知识论导论)
授课老师:Michael Bishop教授
Michael Bishop教授,佛罗里达州立大学哲学系教授
2006 - Professor. Philosophy, Florida State University.
2003 - 2006 Associate Professor. Philosophy, Northern Illinois University.
1996 - 2003 Associate Professor, Philosophy. Iowa State University.
Chair, Department of Philosophy & Religious Studies (1999 – 2003).
1990 - 1996 Assistant Professor, Philosophy. Iowa State University.
1987 - 1990 Philosophy, Ph.D. University of California, San Diego.
1984 - 1986 Philosophy. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.
1980 - 1984 Philosophy, B.A. Cum laude. University of Maryland, College Park.
Areas of Specialization and Competence
Specialization Philosophy of science, epistemology, philosophy of psychology / mind.
Competence Ethics, metaphysics, philosophy of language.
Foreign language Spanish (fluent).
Professional Fellowships / Awards
2009 FSU COFRS Regular Summer Award ($14,000).
2006 Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers.
2005 - 2006 Instructional Research and Improvement Grant - Northern Illinois
University ($1000).
2005 Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers.
2003 - 2005 NSF Collaborative Research Grant ($90,885).
2003 Iowa State University Faculty Improvement Leave (declined).
2002 Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers.
1997 - 1998 Iowa State University Faculty Improvement Leave.
Visiting Scholar at NYU and Rutgers.
1996 Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers.
1995 LAS Award for Early Excellence in Teaching at Iowa State University.
1992 NEH Summer Seminar for College Teachers. Methodological Debates in
19th CenturyPhysics. Peter Achinstein, Johns Hopkins University.
Bishop, Michael and J.D. Trout. Epistemology and the Psychology of Human Judgment. 2005. New York: Oxford University Press.
Book in Progress
Bishop, Michael. The Nature of Well-Being. Under contract with Oxford University Press.
Edited Volumes
Bishop, Michael. Morality and the Cognitive Sciences: The Baltic International Yearbook of Cognition, Logic and Communication. 2012. New Prairie Press.
Murphy, Dominic and Michael Bishop. Stephen Stich and His Critics. 2009. Wiley-Blackwell.
Bishop, Michael, Richard Samuels and Stephen Stich. Synthese Special Issue on Rationality. 2000.
Shepherd, Joshua and Michael Bishop. “Ein Plädoyer für die naturalisierte Erkenntnistheorie” (“The Case for Naturalized Epistemology”) to appear in Erkenntnistheorie: wie und wozu?, Dirk Koppleberg and Stefan Tolksdorf (eds.). Berlin: Mentis Publishers.
Bishop, Michael. “The Network Theory of Well-Being: An Introduction” in The Baltic International Yearbook of Cognition, Logic and Communication, 2012, 7: 1-29.
Zarpentine, Chris, Heather Cipolletti and Michael Bishop. “WINO Epistemology and the Shifting Sands Problem” in The Monist, 2012, 95, 2: 308-328.
Bishop, Michael. “Why the Generality Problem is Everybody’s Problem” in Philosophical Studies, 2010, 151, 2: 285-298.
Feltz, Adam and Michael Bishop. “The Role of Intuitions in Naturalized Epistemology” in Beyond Description: Normativity in Naturalised Philosophy, Milkowski, M. and K. Talmont-Kaminski (eds.), 2010, 101-122. London: College Publications.
Bishop, Michael. “Reflections on Cognitive and Epistemic Diversity: Does a Stich in Time Save Quine?” in Stephen Stich and His Critics, Murphy, D. and M. Bishop (eds.), 2009, 113-136. Wiley-Blackwell.
Bishop, Michael and J.D. Trout. “Strategic Reliabilism: A Naturalistic Approach to Epistemology” in Philosophy Compass 2008, 3/5, 1049-1065. Blackwell Publishing (Web Services).
Bishop, Michael. “Reflections on a Normative Psychology” in Philosophy: Foundations and Applications. Main Lectures and Colloquia Talks of GAP.6, Beckermann, A., H. Tetens and S. Walter (eds.), 2008, 277-290. Paderborn: Mentis.
Bishop, Michael and Bennet Bootz. “Goodbye, Justification. Hello, World” in Croatian Journal of Philosophy, 2007 7, 20: 269-285.
Bishop, Michael. “Fast and Frugal Heuristics” in Philosophy Compass, 2006, 1/2: 201-223. Blackwell Publishing (Web Services).
Bishop, Michael and J.D. Trout. “The Pathologies of Standard Analytic Epistemology” in Nous, 2005, 39, 4: 696-714.
Bishop, Michael. “The Autonomy of Social Epistemology” in Episteme, 2005 2, 1: 65-78.
Bishop, Michael. “The Pessimistic Induction, the Flight to Reference and the Metaphysical Zoo” in International Studies in the Philosophy of Science, 2003 17, 2: 161-178.
Bishop, Michael and J.D. Trout. “Epistemology’s Search for Significance” in Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence, 2003 15, 2: 203-216.
Bishop, Michael and J.D. Trout. “50 Years of Successful Predictive Modeling Should be Enough: Lessons for Philosophy of Science” in Philosophy of Science: PSA 2000 Symposium Papers, 2002 69 (supplement): S197-S208.
Bishop, Michael and Stephen M. Downes. “The Theory Theory Thrice Over: The Child as Scientist, Superscientist or Social Institution” in Studies in the History and Philosophy of Science, 2002, 33: 121-136.
Samuels, Richard, Stephen Stich and Michael Bishop. “Ending the Rationality Wars: How to Make Normative Disputes about Cognitive Illusions Disappear” in R. Elio (ed.) Common Sense, Reasoning and Rationality. New York: Oxford University Press, 2002.
Bishop, Michael. “In Praise of Epistemic Irresponsibility: How Lazy and Ignorant Can You Be?” in Synthese, 2000, 122: 179-208.
Bishop, Michael. “Why Thought Experiments are Not Arguments” in Philosophy of Science, 1999, 66: 534-541.
Bishop, Michael. “Semantic Flexibility in Scientific Practice: A Study of Newton’s Optics” in Philosophy and Rhetoric, 1999, 32: 210-232.
Bishop, Michael and Stephen P. Stich. “The Flight to Reference, or How Not to Make Progress in the Philosophy of Science” in Philosophy of Science, 1998, 65: 33-49.
Reprinted in Chinese: Journal of Dialectics of Nature 6: 1-8, 1997.
Bishop, Michael. “An Epistemological Role for Thought Experiments” in Idealization IX: Idealization in Contemporary Physics, Niall Shanks (ed.). Poznan Studies in Philosophy of Science and Humanities Bookseries, Rodopi, 1998.
Bishop, Michael. “Conceptual Change in Science: The Newton-Hooke Controversy” in Scientific Methods: Conceptual and Historical Problems, Peter Achinstein and Laura Snyder (eds.). Krieger Press, 1994.
Bishop, Michael. “The Possibility of Conceptual Clarity in Philosophy” in American Philosophical Quarterly 1992, 29: 267-277.
Bishop, Michael. “Theory-ladenness of Perception Arguments” in PSA 1992, 1: 287-299.
Bishop, Michael. “Why the Semantic Incommensurability Thesis is Self-Defeating” in Philosophical Studies 1991, 63: 343-356.
Book reviews, encyclopedia articles, etc.
Sosis, Clifford and Michael Bishop. “Rationality” to appear in Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Cognitive Science, Lynn Nadel (ed.). John Wiley & Sons.
Bishop, Michael. “Knowledge” to appear in Mastering Endovascular Techniques: Guide to Excellence (2nd Edition). Springer.
Bishop, Michael and J.D. Trout. “Prognosis and Prediction” to appear in Handbook of the Philosophy of Psychiatry, Bill Fulford (ed.). Oxford University Press.
Trout, J.D. and Michael Bishop. “Decision-Making” in International Encyclopedia of Social Sciences, William A. Darity, Jr. (ed.), Vol. 2. 2nd edition. Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA, 2008, 251-253.
Review of Reconstructing Reason and Representation, by Murray Clark in Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 2007, 75, 2: 492-495.
Bishop, Michael. “Notice Critique: Reconstructing Reason and Representation” in Philosophiques, 2007, 34, 2: 367-374 (in French).
Review of Which Rights Should Be Universal?, by William J. Talbot in Review of Metaphysics, 2006, 59, 3: 683-685.
Review of Daniel Dennett, by Andrew Brook & Don Ross (eds.) in Philosophical Psychology, 2003, 2: 347-350.
Review of Existential Cognition: Computational Minds in the World, Ron McClamrock in International Studies in Philosophy, 1997.
Review of Rethinking Objectivity, Allan Megill (ed.) in Philosophy of Science, 1996, 63: 145-146.
Review of What Is This Thing Called Science?, A.F. Chalmers in Teaching Philosophy, 1996, 19: 204-205.
Review of Biology, Ethics, and the Origins of Life, Holmes Rolston, III (ed.) in Teaching Philosophy, 1996, 19: 302-304.
Bishop, Michael. “What’s Wrong with Cheating?” in Synthesis: Law and Policy in Higher Education, Spring 1993.
Bishop, Michael. “The Nature and Evolution of Human Language: A Response to Maxine Sheets-Johnstone” in Between the Species 1992, 8: 95-7.
Presentations (since 2006)
“Comments on Railton: Well-Being as Information” at the Henle Conference on Happiness and Well-Being. St. Louis University. March 2012.
“The Science and Philosophy of the Good Life: A Unified Perspective” – Keynote address at the Fourth Annual Southeast Regional History Graduate Student Conference. Tallahassee, Florida. March 2012.
“The Priority of Reason” at the Workshop on Recent Work in Naturalized Philosophy. Tartu, Estonia, May 2011.
“How Well-Being is Like Neptune” at The 7th International Symposium of Cognition, Logic and Communication: Morality and the Cognitive Sciences. Riga, Latvia, May 2011.
“Some Fast and Frugal Philosophical Thoughts on Bounded Rationality” at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin, Germany, July 2010.
“The Nature of Well-Being” at Union College, Schenectady, NY, April 2010.
“Well-Being” at the Moral Philosophy Research Group at Washington University, St. Louis, November 2009.
“When Philosophy and Psychology Collide: The Case of Well-Being” at the First Colombian Conference in Logic, Epistemology, and Philosophy of Science” at the Universidad de los Andes, Bogota, Colombia, November 2009.
“Why the Generality Problem is Everybody’s Problem and How to Solve It” at the University of Alabama, Birmingham, October 2009.
“Experimental Epistemology and the Normativity Problem” (with Christopher Zarpentine and Heather Cipolletti) at the Experimental Epistemology Workshop at the University at Buffalo, October 2009.
“What a Theory of Well-Being Might Be” at the Ethical and Social Scientific Perspectives on Well-Being conference at California State University, Long Beach, March 2009.
“The Nature of Science” Colloquium at the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Tallahassee, FL, June 2008.
“Epistemology Psyched” part of the Fifth Annual Cognitive Science Lecture Series, Hartwick College, NY, May 2008.
“The Nature of Well-Being” at the Symposium on Naturalism in Science, Kansas State University, April 2008.
“The Normative Solution to the Generality Problem” University of Gothenburg, Sweden, February 2008.
“Why the Generality Problem is Everybody’s Problem (and What to Do About it)” University of Pennsylvania, September 2007.
“The Virtues of Epistemological Minimalism” at Stockholm University, Sweden, April 2007.
“Is There a Folk Epistemology? And How Would We Know?” at the Arts & Humanities Research Council Culture and the Mind Project, Sheffield University, England, April 2007.
“Naturalism: The Best Hope for a Normative Epistemology” (with J.D. Trout) at the Invited Symposium on Normative Naturalistic Epistemology at the Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology, Atlanta, March 2007.
“Rethinking the Relationship between Philosophy and Psychology” at the Joint Clinical and Cognitive Area Symposium on Clinical vs. Actuarial Prediction, Eastern Psychological Association meeting, Philadelphia, March 2007.
“The Implications of a Normative Psychology” at the GAP.6 Conference, Berlin, Germany, September 2006.
“An Advertisement for Epistemological Minimalism” at the Second Annual Kazimierz Naturalized Epistemology Workshop, Kazimierz, Poland, September 2006.
“The Two Faces of Epistemology” at the conference on The Epistemology of Natural and Artificial Systems, California State University, Long Beach, February 2006.
Professional Service
External Tenure & Promotion Reviewer for faculty at: Arizona State University, Kansas State University, Mount Holyoke College, State University of New York at Buffalo, University of Utah, Washington University at St. Louis.
External Departmental Reviewer:
Philosophy Department at the University of Delaware, 2002
Philosophy & Religious Studies Department at the University of West Florida, 2011
Journal referee: Australasian Journal of Philosophy, British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, Cognitive Systems Research, Dialogue, Erkenntnis, Philosophers' Imprint, Philosophy of Science, Philosophical Psychology, The Philosophical Quarterly, Philosophical Studies, Polish Journal of Philosophy, Synthese.
Book referee: MIT Press, Oxford University Press, Routledge, Palgrave Macmillan, Polity Press.
Textbook referee: Continuum Press, Wadsworth, Harcourt Brace, West Legal Studies in Business, Oxford University Press.
NSF Referee, 2006, 2002.
NEH Panelist, 2005.
Swiss National Science Foundation Referee, 2012.
Research Foundation Flanders (FWO) Referee, 2012.
President, Iowa Philosophical Society, 1991-1992.
Conference Referee:
Philosophy of Science Association, 2010.
Southern Society for Philosophy & Psychology.
Society for Philosophy and Psychology Meeting, Lewis and Clark College, June 2010.
Organizing Committee. The 7th International Symposium of Cognition, Logic and Communication: Morality and the Cognitive Sciences. Riga, Latvia, May 2011.
Organizing Committee. International Congress on Thought Experiments Rethought, Centre for Logic and Philosophy of Science, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium, September 2004.
Symposium organizer (with J.D. Trout). “New Perspectives on Scientific Rationality” (with Robyn Dawes, David Faust, Michael Bishop and J.D. Trout). The Philosophy of Science Association Meeting, Vancouver, November 2000.
Session chair / moderator.
“Optimization and Simplicity”. The APA Central Division Meeting, May 1994.
“Strategies, Heuristics, and Biases in Biological Reasoning”. ISHPSSB, Northwestern University, July 1991.
本课程是关于美国哲学(American Philosophy)即实用主义的概要性介绍。以实用主义和新实用主义主要代表人物皮尔士、詹姆斯、杜威、塞拉斯、罗蒂、普特南、布兰顿等人的思想为背景,系统阐释实用主义在意义理论、真理观、本体论等方面的基本主张。通过本课程的学习,学生们不仅可以大致了解实用主义的发展轮廓,同时也会对实用主义的主要观点有较为可靠的把握。